Sunday, May 24, 2009

Love those California Kids!

A week in the life of one Babajuje and four sweet grandbabies...take a look at what we did!

It was so fun hanging out with the Vaiseys for April break. I don't think we could have done one more thing because we were out of gas at the end of the week. Bowling, movies, teacup rides (I almost puked and DeeDee was relentless on the spinning detail), baking cookies for a sidewalk sale, sprinkler madness, cleaning out junk and packing for the big move in a week or so, reading books, watching "Little House on the Prarie" (Season 3), ice cream treats, dinner with just goes on. Oh, how I love those kids...I even kinda like the Mom and Dad kids, too. They are a well-oiled machine, those Vaiseys! Keep up the good make us proud! xoxoxoxoxoxo