Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jesus loves me this I know...

Talk about a gift from above. I love going to church to recharge my battery every week, but this one was going to be tough. We just returned from spending a glorious week in Florida with "Icky Mouse" and all of my family - kids and grandkids - but I tell you...that was no vacation! Next time it's the beach with a book and Mancala, and the kids, of course. Quiet bonding time with each of my sweet offspring is what I am talking about. Not fer nuthin'!!!

But, as usual, I am off topic. I know Jesus loves me because He cancelled church today and I am going back to bed! Having stayed up all night getting ready for our first big week of the year in Primary, this is truly a gift. Now I can truly recharge my battery!

Now maybe if I wear my pajamas inside out there won't be any school tomorrow!!! Here's to the New Year!


  1. I am your first follower! (What a devoted friend you have!) I seriously need to get back to Fairport Ward! I had to drag myself out in the freezing cold only to have my husband inform me once we got to church that I looked "frumpy" in my Ugg boots! If he would have shoveled off the 59 steps up to the car, maybe I would've worn my heels, not fer nuthin'! BTW, are you having an affair? I barely recognize that man in the pic with your arm draped around him! Miss you lots :) <3

  2. I can't wait for you to get back here!!!!! Have fun with those 59 steps. Next time have Jason carry you in your heels! Ha!!!
